Eric Shambroom Photography - Industriefotograf in Hamburg

Photo blog - a look behind-the-scenes

Hello, welcome to my blog, where I aim to provide some insights into my work and show interesting details that normally remain hidden.

For example, how image retouching an industrial plant gets its modern and “tidy” image look, needed for the introduction of a new product. Sometimes it’s also necessary to help a little with the weather. That’s how the sky gets its stealing blue color, which supports the picture’s marketing message. You can check this out in the before/after comparison.

Do you know what all the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes on during a photo session or a video shoot? Setting up the equipment, lighting tests, getting just the right shots in photo or video, setup changes – and at the end dismantling and packing everything up again. We are optimally equipped with camera and lighting technology for our photo work on location, in factories, offices, laboratories or wherever. You can witness this in the time-lapse video here in the blog, where packing up is lightning fast!

I have to mention 360-degree panoramic pictures. The technique can be used both as display prints for your company’s offices and/or interactively for the website. Have a look at my examples.

Check back often to learn something new, again and again.

10. September 2024

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